Saturday, August 13, 2011

Experimental Eating

I realize that this is starting out under the Chicken Chronicles, I'm not the best at trying to figure out these websites. So I will just start my new blog here.

After much contemplation and lots of depressing nights, tons of crying and just plain ol' hating myself, I have come to realize that I may have figured out my weight gain problems.

After my hysterectomy my weight really started to skyrocket. However, the more I look back upon the past 7 years, I have noticed that the more I looked at my eating and exercising habits, the more I was learning about myself.  For one thing, I am an emotional eater. That really isn't too much of a big deal. Sure, I eat things that are bad for me, but I don't believe they added up to being an extra 40lbs on my body.  The second thing is, ever since Bruce and got together, I have eaten more processed food than I ever have in my entire life!

So now I am determined to start eating the way I use to, NO MORE PROCESSED FOODS!  Eating out once a month will be a reward for staying within my diet plan and losing weight. I will continue to run, work with weights and go to the gym. I have started well, enrolled in a boot camp which is a true challenge to myself. I have to not worry about what others are doing in the class and focus on myself.  This is a lot easier said than done.

I have purchased 2 CLEAN EATING magazines. They are complete with menus and grocery lists. My goals will be small, but effective and attainable. I will start by trying to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.  My running goal will be 10 miles per week.  Weight training 2 times per week. Swimming 1 time per week.

The main focus will be what I put into my body. I have to start taking my lunch with me daily. Make as many meals as possible over the weekend so there is little to do during the week. Up by no later than 5 a.m.  This will help me to attain a schedule that will keep me on track.

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